ASIN : B098X8K8N8
Published date: 2021
The couple upstairs. You think you know who is behind everything, but, the twist at the end makes you realise you don’t. This book had me gripped, to the point that halfway through I actually had to read it until the end in one sitting.
The chapters written in italics confused me and I found myself skim reading them, knowing they were going to connect to the main story at some point but I was more keen to get back to the ‘Now’ rather than the ‘Then’. However three quarters in I realised how important those ‘Then’ chapters where and the fog started to lift and things became clearer.
Chris Jackson, the character you’re going to dislike, he annoyed me in many ways on his path to destroy someone else’s life. His lovely wife Vanessa Jackson who you can’t help but feel sorry for as she struggles along heavily pregnant. Ninas perfect boyfriend Zac who would rather listen to others instead of his partner of 5yrs and the mysterious Mr Newbury who sends his underling James to sort out his affairs.
The last chapter is a little puzzling, knowing were all the characters are at this point, why would Mrs Draper spot someone at the window or is that an opening for a sequel I wonder. Worth reading but expect to be a little confused at times, though most of the story does make sense and will keep you turning the pages.